Friday 28 September 2012

Heritage Day at Ikhaya

Well today was the last day for this term and Heritage Day celebrations at Ikhaya which is basically a good reason to sing, dance, eat and generally get excited about all things South African!
This is just a small selection of the photo opportunities we had but what a great event. Each class of children took turns at sharing something they had prepared and we were all encouraged to dress in traditional clothes.
Highlights included the National Anthem in Xhosa, Afrikans and English, zulu and 'gumboot' dancers (originating from early miners) and a presentation on Xhosa culture. Mark and myself had worked with the children to create a hand printed rainbow and I was able to share about the Rainbow Nation (in English, not quite ready for xhosa yet!). The younger children learnt 'I can sing a rainbow' and signs with me.
It was also an apportunity to bid farewell to a couple of  staff who are leaving and great to see how appreciate everyone was (pass the tissues :))

So we may not be in touch so regularly over the next week as we have borrowed a car (please pray for safe driving!) and tomorrow we are leaving Margy's and heading to Port Elizabeth via the Garden route. Itinary as follows:

Sat - Drive to Bontebok National Park and stay at Swellendam
Sun - Stay at Plettenburg Bay
Mon-Fri - Port Elizabeth for Vineyard church conference and Addo Elephant park (hopefully)
Fri-Sun - Oudtshoorn to visit Cango caves and possible ostrich ride!
Sun eve - return to Hout Bay hopefully to permanent apartment :) and Term 4 at Ikhaya!!

To be continued....

1 comment:

  1. (Janie Beales writing) Hi Mark and Nay - what great blogs!, fantastic to hear what you're up to and see the places and people! We're praying for you both and are excited for you. Enjoy the vineyard conf, ostrich and elephant rides - ostrich rides sound mad! look forward to the pics!It'll be good to be in a permanent place soon. DNA is going well-a couple of new Alphas starting and aerobics with Sandra back on the menu! Love from us both, Janie
